Basic Job Search Expressions in Spanish

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Basic Job Search Expressions in Spanish

If you’re searching for a job, being bilingual can be a big asset. But you aren’t fluently bilingual yet, you’ll need to learn some common expressions used in finding a job in the Spanish speaking world. We already showed you the basic conversation expressions in another post. Searching for a job requires you to know common conversational phrases and sentences, as well as phrases and sentences specific to the job search process. The following are some common terms and phrases that you’ll need to familiarize yourself with. Practice them until you’re comfortable speaking them.

Basic Introductions

Hello. – Hola.

Good day, or good morning. – Buenas días.

How are you? – ¿Cómo está usted?

I am well, thank you. – Estoy bien, gracias.

I am pleased to meet you. – Mucho gusto.

What is your name? – ¿Cómo se llama usted?

My name is ____. – Me llamo _____.

Language Skills

Do you speak Spanish? – ¿Habla español?

Do you understand me? – ¿Me entiende?

I do not speak English. – No habla inglés.

Please speak slowly. – Hable despacio por favor.

I do not understand. – No entiendo.

Can you translate this for me? – ¿Puede traducirme esto, por favor?

Common Courtesies

Yes. – Si.

Of course. – Claro que sí.

I don’t know. – No lo sé.

No. – No.

Thank you. – Gracias.

Please. – Por favor.

You’re welcome. – De nada.

Asking Questions

I want (would like)___. – Quiero ____.

Can you help me? – ¿Puede usted ayudarme?

With your permission. – Con permiso.

Excuse me. – Perdón.

Job Search Paperwork

Work visa – Permiso de trabajo

Tourist visa – Visado de turista

Immigration office – La oficina de inmigración

Birth certificate – Acta de nacimiento

Driver’s license – Carnet de conducir

Job Titles

Director – Director

Lawyer – Abogado

Manager – Gerente / Encargado

Notary – Notario

Representative – Representante

Salesman – Vendedor / Comercial

Secretary – Secretaria

Business departments – Departamentos de negocios

Human resources – Recursos humanos

Employment Questions

What work do you do? – ¿En qué trabaja?

I work from home. – Trabajo en casa.

I’m self employed – Trabajo por cuenta propia / Soy autónomo.

I have been unemployed for ___ months. – He estado en el paro ___ meses.

It’s very difficult to get a job right now. – Ahora es muy difícil encontrar trabajo.

What are your hours? – ¿Cuales son sus horas de trabajo?

What time does the office open (close)? – ¿A qué hora abren (cierran) la oficina?

From 9 to 5 – De nueve a cinco

From Monday to Friday – De lunes a viernes

How much vacation time do you get? – ¿Cuánto tiempo tiene de vacaciones?

Are you free to meet ____? – ¿Está usted libre para vernos ____?

How do I get to your office? – ¿Cómo se va a su oficina?

Organizational Details

I will confirm by letter (by fax). – Lo confirmaré por escrito (por fax).

I have an appointment with___. – Tengo una cita con ____.

Do you have an appointment? – ¿Está usted citado(a)?

Please be seated. – Siéntese, por favor.

Mr. (Mrs.) ___ is not in the office now. – Senor (Senora) ___ no está en la oficina ahora.

He (She) will be back in 5 minutes. – Estará de vuelta en cinco minutos.

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___ will be with you in just a moment. – Ahora enseguida viene.

I would like to talk with the office manager. – Quisiera hablar con el jefe (la jefa) de oficina.

I must go now. – Tengo que ir ahora.

Do you know another’s useful expressions? Let us know in the comments below!

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