Expressions to experience Spanish conversation

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Experience Spanish conversation

Admit it or not, most Spanish classes only teach you the formal structure of the language. You have learned the basic speak conversation expression in this post.

When faced with somebody who really speaks Spanish, talking to them casually may still prove to be quite a struggle. If you really want a good Spanish conversation, you have to connect with the language and learn how to ‘play’ with it.

Mastering the Spanish language does not just mean memorizing the entire Spanish dictionary, in fact, you can sometimes do away with that using only some verbal expressions.

Verbal expressions are very useful when speaking in Spanish, they do not only say your message in lesser words, they also boost your confidence with the language.

Here are some expressions you can use with your day-to-day Spanish language conversation:

  • “Caerle gordo a alguien”

    This expression can be used to refer to somebody who is rubbing you the wrong way. – Like a friend who did you wrong and still had the nerve to talk at your back. This expression here literally means “someone falls fat on you”, but you can always use caerme to describe your relationship with someone.

  • “Echarle ganas”

    Literally means to throw some life into something, this expression usually comes with a punctuation mark – probably to mean a high emotion. This can be used to tell somebody to do something else than doing what they are doing at the moment.

  • “Tener ganas de”

    Referring to something that you crave and desire for, the expression can also be used when having the urge to do something. – Big or small, food or otherwise, this expression may just come very handy.

  • “Creerse mucho”

    Useful when you want to talk about somebody who thinks too much of himself/herself, this expression is often said with a sarcastic or derogative tone. If you want to get along with a lot of locals and/or students alike, try to avoid using this expression though.

Well, yeah, these may seem to complicate learning the Spanish language a bit but it still wouldn’t hurt to learn them if it would mean sounding more confident with your Spanish. If you want to improve your Spanish conversation, you can do an online Spanish Conversation Course with IL Spanish, the best choice to improve your Spanish conversation.

Do you know other Spanish expression? let us know in the comments below.


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